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- 2. Y. Luo, X.G. Song, S.P. Hu, Z.Q. Xu, Z.H. Li, Y. Lei, Reactive air brazing of Al2O3 ceramic with Ag-CuO-Pt composite fillers: Microstructure and joint properties, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1407-1414, ISSN 0955
- 1. Hu Zhang, Jing Duan, Ou Wu, The expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the non-small cell lung cancer, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Volume 27, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 1527-1532, ISSN 1319-562X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.04.
質(zhì)量 (mg) = 濃度 (mM) x 體積 (mL) x 分子摩爾量 (g/mol)